Bass Lake Cruiser Round Up. Saturday June 17th / 11 AM / $25 entry. @millerslandingbasslake, following Willow Cove & Sandbar at 1:30-EOD. Limited lake pass requirements lifted.
All Cruisers Welcome: Day Cruisers, River Cruisers, Mini Day Cruisers, Cabin Cruisers, ETC. All drive types encouraged to attend.
Awards for: 19’ & Under, 20’-21’, 22’ & Up, Most Original, Best Paint/Gel, Best Engine/Rigging, & Millers Choice.
Unsanctioned, Unaffiliated, Unofficial. All Lake Laws Apply. Boat At Your Own Risk. Lodging available at Bass Lake & Oakhurst. #basslake #cruiserroundup #daycruiser #rivercruiser #minidaycruiser #cabincruiser #meetup #meetngreet #vdrive #jetboat #inboardoutboard #outboard #classicvdrives
The awards and merch are ready!
The Bad Enuff boat will be there!!