I was having a discussion with my friend over the weekend about which Octane Booster is the best. I remember a few years back Speed Boat Magazine, Jim Wilkes from Wilkes Marine in Santa Ana, CA did a study on different octane boosters. However, this must have been around 2015, so I know things have changes since then.

However, at the time I found it interesting, because the study found most of the octane boosters which said they raise your fuel octane by 3 was actually 0.3 and not 3. I was shocked! It also found that Lucas Octane Booster was the only product that worked as it was described at the time.
From personal use, I can stand by the Performance Boat article and Lucas does work. In our 496 BBC with 11:1 compression, when we would turn off the engine after a cruise you could hear the engine pinging while running on 91 octane. Once we added the Lucas Octane Booster, the pinging went away.

Now my question is, there is new products and technology has increased since then. One product I am considering trying is Torco - Fuel Accelerator, which I've seen online is good from consumer reviews.
Does anyone have any experience of these two products and compared them ( Lucas of Torco)? I think they both would be a good product, but is one better?
should I run this in my Olds?